Optimal Big Data Predictivity in 10 Examples
Mar 27, 2014
Last Fall, industry giant General Electric launched 14 new Internet Predictivity™ technologies to improve outcomes for aviation, oil & gas, transportation, healthcare and energy.The aim: enable global industries to achieve outcomes such as minimal unplanned downtime, increased productivity, preventive maintenance, lower fuel costs and reduced emissions. GE now offers customers a total of 24 Predictivity solutions.
Taken literally, Preventive Maintenance of course is only the first step on the maturity path towards optimal Predictivity, as this illustration shows:
more–>Today, GE defines their Predictivity effort as achieving powerful outcomes with Big Data Analytics. Solutions by industry include these 10 examples:
Aviation: Flight efficiency services helped Alitalia identify 1.5% savings in fuel costs within the first year – a savings of $15 million.
Healthcare: GE helped a South Carolina facility automate monitoring of hand washing – improving hand hygiene compliance from 52% to 81% in eight weeks.
Manufacturing: GE’s proven framework for Operational Excellence that offers a phased approach with sequential steps – starting with process visibility for quick wins and scaling up to enterprise-wide integration for a long-term competitive edge. It helps companies focus on the areas that will provide the best performance improvements to drive sustainable productivity and profitability.
Mining: One of the largest global mining companies initially deployed GE technologies on haul trucks in a mine in Australia. After increasing fleet availability from 70 to 85% in Australia, the company is now expanding the solution to mines in Africa and South America.
Oil & Gas: GE solutions keep watch on BP’s offshore critical assets with sensors, software, big data analytics, and domain expertise that drive efficiencies for their operations.
Power Distribution: Municipal and co-op utilities can receive the value of grid modernization without high upfront costs or difficult software integration. GE technologies gave the City of Leesburg an intelligent grid 75% faster and at 10% of the full capital cost, improving operations and lowering costs.
Power Generation: Combining advanced software solutions and hardware design innovation, GE’s portfolio can transform your existing GE heavy-duty gas turbines to meet today’s demands for power, efficiency, and flexibility.
Rail: On Key Georgia Division corridors, Norfolk Southern has seen a 10% increase in network velocity, a 50% reduction in expired crews, and significant improvements in on-time performance.
Water: The R.C. Harris filtration plant, which produces nearly half of Toronto’s drinking water, partnered with GE to increase efficiency by fully automating its water treatment and analysis.
Wind: Wind operators can capture up to 20% more profit per turbine.
Read more about 14 new Predictivity technologies were launched in October 2013.
Read more about Predictivity Solutions by Industry.
Read more about Big Data Analytics and download the complete VINT book for free (PDF, 206 pages).
The fourth stage of the Industrial Revolution is upon us due to the far-reaching integration, accelerated by the Internet of Things, of Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT). This creates completely new opportunities as a result of new combinations of mental, physical and mechanical work by integrating the internet, sensors and embedded systems.