Experience Your Magic Moments with Big Data

Jan 16, 2014
Sogeti Labs
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Please click on the picture to obtain your own copy of our book.

Rooted in data-intensive science, Big Data Analytics now is being deployed everywhere. The economy and everyday life are full of guiding examples. Big Data techniques help the discovery of buying patterns and the detection of fraud. The cases on predicting human behavior from all digital traces we leave behind incite both inspiration and profound reflection.

No More Secrets, Part I-IV
Our No More Secrets book is a sound basis for updating or refining your understanding of Big Data Analytics. The first Part sheds light on the Big Data phenomenon. Part II presents ample suggestions for determining your specific Big Data potential. These you can readily apply to gain insight in what exactly makes your customers tick, the topic of Part III. The tricky triad of privacy, technology and the law concludes the book.

The Big Data Brotherhood
The answer to the fundamental question of what it means to live in a world where secrets of consumers and citizens, and mysteries of our Earth and life itself have been unraveled, became top of mind when Edward Snowden had his revelations published about the digital practices of secret services. Suddenly, Big Data itself had lost its final mystery as this Big Brotherhood of competing and cooperating agencies and companies for the sake of safety was exposed.

In No More Secrets we decided to focus solely on the fair commercial use and business impact of Big Data Analytics. We sincerely hope that the insights and ideas in our new book will contribute to successful new strategies, innovative implementations, and faster and better business decisions.

Experience Your Magic Moments
The warning that Big Data Analytics is not a technology toy but an integral part of strategy, marketing, HR or R&D may already be familiar. We go even further and urge you to create “magic moments,” since abandoning conventional thinking and patterns will cost at least as much energy as getting your unstructured data analysis right.

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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