Aug 10, 2012
As researchers we do a lot of reading. Every week one of the researchers shares the most valuable articles he has read. Consider these posts as a curated reading experience. This week: Erik van Ommeren.
Big Data will not…
Using the power of search, one can specifically hunt for opinions and findings that highlight the impossibilities of Big Data. In a sense, using the Big Data behind google to analyze Big Data itself. Sometimes search queries that look for “topic cannot” or “topic will not” will lead to very interesting discussions. As in this case:
“Big Data will not be so big. Most data will remain proprietary, or reside in incompatible formats and inaccessible databases where it cannot be used in ‘real time.’ The gap between what is theoretically possible and what is done (in terms of using real-time data to understand and forecast cultural, economic, and social phenomena) will continue to grow.”
An very interesting collection of opinions and insights about Big Data, collected by
“Big data will not be an exercise in merely collecting massive amounts of this data; rather it will be about making the right information accessible and action-oriented for both the company and the customer for core CRM,” writes Adam Sarner, Gartner’s big data and CRM analyst. But beware: While analytics are great, they’re no replacement for a human touch. You’ll still need to interact with current and potential customers, whether in person, over the phone, or via some other one-on-one connection. Gartner sales performance analyst Patrick Stakenas: “Relying too much on big data analytics risks losing the personal approach to selling.”
A short overview of five ways to benefit from Big Data, including a further link to 10 predictions about Big Data from Informationweek:
“Big Data will not allow us to predict anything but the nearest futures”. So, consider it this way: Big data is unlikely to increase the certainty about what is going to happen in anything but the nearest of near futures — in weather, politics, and buying behavior — because uncertainty and volatility grow along with the interconnectedness of human activities and institutions across the world. Big data is itself a factor in the increased interconnectedness of the world: as companies, governments, and individuals take advantage of insights gleaned from big data, we are making the world more tightly interconnected, and as a result (perhaps unintuitively) less predictable.
And some more things that “Big Data will not…”
more–>Big Data will not be confined to tracking online behavior. (
Big Data will not magically enable us to discern better answers until we come up with better questions to explore the relationships between our data more thoroughly.
Big Data will not be accomplished on the hardware companies currently employ, that much is clear.
Did you find any other interesting things that Big Data ‘will not’, ‘cannot’, ‘should not’ or ‘could not’? Post them in the comments!