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Top 5 SogetiLabs blogs from April 2020

Sogeti Labs
May 08, 2020

Take a look at our most read and shared blog posts from April 2020

Working remotely… Staying safe and staying focussed

We are not the first to live and work in isolation. Take a look at some best practices from the NASA research in this blog.

Quality at speed in high-performance IT delivery with CI/CD

A CI/CD Pipeline implementation is the backbone of the modern DevOps environment. In this blog, we will learn what a CI/CD pipeline is and how it works.

Whitepaper: DevSecOps – Integrating security with DevOps

Our latest whitepaper on DevSecOps – Integrating security with DevOps is out now! Read and download here.

Dare to Disagree

How constructive conflict or disagreement can be beneficial? Mahesh Jadhav shares key takeaways from TED talk – Dare to Disagree by Margaret Heffernan.

3 ways to deploy JAVA Micro-services on Azure

Looking to move to a cloud-based microservices architecture and want to better understand what are your options? Here are three ways to deploy JAVA micro-services in Azure.

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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