Nov 22, 2019
Is there something like a digital Utopia? Can technologies help us bring our ideals and purpose into reality? What does ‘profit for purpose’ mean anyway? At Sogeti’s Executive Summit Utopia for Beginners these questions were addressed by some highly acclaimed thinkers and visionaries. In the next video, Professor Luciano Floridi will share his vision on ‘Utopia for Beginners’.
About Professor Luciano Floridi
Luciano Floridi is Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information at the University of Oxford. Floridi is one of the most influential advisers of the European Union on the field of information ethics. He also advised Google how to deal with the new right for citizens to be forgotten on the internet. He is the Director of the Digital Ethics Lab, an alliance between Oxford University and business. The aim of the lab is “to spot and increase the opportunities of digital innovation while reducing risks and avoiding shortcomings”. Among the companies that support the Lab are organizations such as Tencent, Google, the European Union, Microsoft, and The Rockefeller Foundation. Our own organization, Sogeti, also features on this list.
About the Utopia for Beginners event
The Utopia for Beginners events were held in order to discuss pressing questions and problems in IT. With 150 IT Executives, we explored new ways to innovate in a purposeful way. The input came from inspiring keynotes given by academics, thought leaders and business leaders and was used in several round table discussions to learn from peers in the same and different industries. During the coming weeks, we’ll share the most insightful sessions, which are also reflected in our report ‘Utopia for Executives’ which you can download here.