Collaborative Economy part 2: new industries and verticals

Dec 9, 2014
Sogeti Labs

In October I shared an infographic that shows what happend on a single day in the so-called collaborative economy. This infographic came from Jeremiah Owyang extensive research on this trend.

Another part of the research is focused on examining the sectors where collaborative models are taking place. In his initial taxonomy, Owyang had 6 different categories.  To show the growth the model is seeing and how it’s quickly expanded into many other industries and verticals, the original infographic is now updated with an additional 6 categories:

  1. Health & Wellness: For example, enables P2P diabetes care, including sharing of insulin and pumps.
  2. Logistics: For example, Postmates enables the final mile of delivery, and Roost enables P2P home storage.
  3. Corporate: Now corporations can have their own Uber-like experience with LocalMotion or build their own Airbnb with Near-me.
  4. Utilities: Power sharing with Vandebron, crowdfunded solar with Solar Mosaic, and WiFi sharing with Fon.
  5. Municipal: Cities are sharing street cleaning vehicles on Munirent, and public bike systems are heavily funded with Velib.
  6. Learning: Numerous startups enable students to share books on Chegg, as well as online training led by instructors and peers. 

    Here’s the new graphic (click to enlarge, and click here to find out more.)


About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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