What do you get if you put some SogetiLabs fellows together during coffee time?
A conversation that spirals out of control quickly. In this case we got together for a virtual cup of coffee the other day.
On a tech related conversation thread, we ended up with a list of movies that we think are essential for upbringing. We talked on what movies to educate your kids with. We extended it a bit to the set of movies with tech/nerd value that cannot miss out in the SogetiLabs movie list.
We thought it interesting to see how you can program neural networks using a set of movies. The impact of programming younger kids’ brains is an easier task than programming the adult brain in this way. I think the readers of this blog may need to watch these movies multiple times for the programming to take effect.
This set of movies is the first training set for our “neural network”. Next rounds need to involve new movies. Based on feedback of the first set of movies we can look at a second series to steer neural networks into a “SogetiLabs” way of thinking?
I cannot keep away from the feeling we “are on to something here”. Give me feedback to these movies, but above all your suggestions to a second series of movies. I am going to run this set of movies through the neural networks of my own kids (6 and 10) to see what happens. I’ll happily try your suggestions for movies as well.
SogetiLabs movie list for programming your neural network or to watch during these dark days at the end of the year:
Movie | Neural network training purpose |
The Net | Teach a new generation on hacking and the consequences. Some good cyber security info is never a bad thing to have. This movie is quite realistic on this topic. |
Sneakers | Security and hacking also goes for this movie. Again, a good way of programming these neural networks on security. |
James Bond movies | A 50-year period of movie making. This series shows evolution of movie making and is exciting to watch. It shows the change of speed in a movie over the years but also great to watch what kind of technology was expected in the coming years. We can look back to see what really happened. Other than that: great movies to watch anyway. |
Swordfish | The topic of security is a recurring theme in our list (an important topic). With this movie there is some great music involved as well. |
Monty Python movies | Absurdities and strange humor are necessary in educating the next generation. The holy grail and flying circus are essential in any upbringing. |
Ghost in the shell (anime) | Sci-Fi cannot be missed in a list like this. The remake of this movie is good to look at, but the anime version may be even better to watch. |
Hachi: A Dog’s Tale | Sentimental stories cannot be missed in the list. Variety of emotions are needed to do some good neural network programming. This movie is a good example for that. |
Jurassic Park | More animals and sci-fi mixed with a bit of history. Good series of movies that spans a large amount of time. This makes it interesting to look at evolution of movies as well as a lesson in evolution. |
The Breakfast Club | A coming-of-age story in an epic movie. It cannot be missed in this list. |
Inside Out | What is going on in a child’s brain? This Pixar movies shows exactly this. Animations by Pixar are of high quality. With this movie you can compare your thought processes to that of child. How far have you come? |
The boy in the striped pajamas | Freedom and the absence of war is something that the current generation takes for granted. A lesson in what was can never hurt our neural networks. This movie is great input for that. |
Schindler’s List | Adding another classic to the list to show how awful that war period was. |
As said, I am very curious to your comments and your suggestions for our second list. Keep your recommendations (and reasons for programming those neural networks) coming!