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Whitepaper: Start off the Power Platform journey

Jul 14, 2020
Sogeti Labs

How to initiate your organizations journey in implementing Power platform

Consider a scenario, to improve business processes, communication and overall organizational integrity a company just bought Office 365 licenses for its employees. The IT team understand the same comes with Power platform licenses and it wants to encourage various groups to take advantage of it and start creating low-code no-code apps by themselves. Few months down the line IT starts getting support tickets regarding various apps create by users which have now being used by multiple departments are not functioning as intended. Also, IT is getting multiple requests for upgrading the Power platform plan so that they can use various premium features of the platform.  IT is overwhelmed and due to restricted budget constraints is not able to satisfy all the end users thus creating malcontent.

This is a typical scenario for a company who jumps head-first into a technology platform which has a great pull for end user but without through due-diligence and long-term plan. Power platform (PP) provides many features which when leveraged correctly can be an absolute boon for the company. But some ground-rules needs to be put in place for this endeavour to be successful.

This whitepaper is intended to provide a starting point for implementing a successful power platform (PP) practice into an organization. This paper only concentrates on a few correct steps you can take in the journey; the rest of the journey can be planned according to the success of these first few steps.

Download here.

About the author

Manager | India
Rohan is a Solution Architect for MS Stack in Sogeti India Microsoft Practice & Sogeti Europe. He has 13 years of professional experience with 4 years in Architect role covering all aspects of software life cycles on Microsoft & DevOps platform.


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