Oct 11, 2023
Sogeti Labs

The Real Promise of VR/AR Lies in Training Simulations

In recent years, much has been made of the ‘metaverse’ – a converging digital universe that promised to revolutionize our online experiences. Grand visions were painted of a shared virtual space where people could interact in novel, immersive ways. Yet, as of 2023, we can confidently assert that the metaverse, at least as originally imagined, is dead. However, this does not mean the potential for Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) has diminished. Instead, the focus has shifted, revealing a much more immediate and tangible benefit: training simulations.

Safety First

One of the biggest draws of VR/AR training is the opportunity to simulate dangerous scenarios without any real-world risks. For industries such as aviation, mining, healthcare, and firefighting, this is invaluable. Trainees can experience high-risk situations repeatedly, making mistakes and learning from them without fear of actual harm.

Imagine a pilot practicing emergency landings in stormy conditions, or a miner learning how to deal with a cave-in, or ambulance personnel training at an accident on the highway, all from the safety of a controlled environment. These simulations not only provide vital experience but also boost confidence. When trainees eventually face these challenges in real life, they’re far better prepared.

Cost Efficiency

Beyond safety, there’s also a strong financial case for VR/AR training. Building physical training environments can be prohibitively expensive, especially for scenarios that are rare but crucial to prepare for. Conversely, once a virtual simulation is developed, it can be deployed infinitely and updated easily to reflect new standards or practices.

Moreover, VR/AR training reduces the need for physical presence, which cuts down on travel and accommodation expenses. In a post-pandemic world, where remote operations have become the norm, this aspect of virtual training is particularly appealing.

A Bright Future Ahead

While the metaverse may have failed to live up to its hype, the promise of VR/AR is far from lost. As industries recognize the immense value of training simulations, we can expect a surge in investment and development in this space. Rather than chasing after a nebulous digital utopia, businesses are now harnessing the power of VR/AR to address tangible, real-world challenges – and it’s clear that this trend is only just beginning.

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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