Steven Krone

Steven Krone

Senior Consultant | USA

Steven is a passionate technology advocate; eager to discover ways to transform businesses and their processes. Guided by a user-centered approach, Steven approaches problems with a desire to understand the essential problems facing customers, businesses, or users of a system. An undergraduate of the University of Texas at Dallas class of 2017, Steven has a solid technical background with a Bachelors in Computer Science. Through his courses he built software using various programming tools, and was able to learn Tensorflow, OpenCV, and Unity. Outside of class, Steven explored Machine Learning in more depth, and participated in Kaggle competitions to learn more about the growing field. Starting with Sogeti in the Summer of 2017, Steven has been focused on work related to Application Development, Cloud Development, and Test Automation. Blockchain became an increasingly popular topic at the beginning of 2018. To keep pace with the trend, Steven learned Ethereum, Smart Contracts, various Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies, and presented a TechNight on the topic, during the Summer of 2018.