Nov 6, 2013
Last week, ARM Holdings and The Economist published a very interesting research piece showing that the internet of things isn’t just the ‘promise’ it used to be, according to 779 senior business leaders from 19 different industries around the world. The study revealed that 75 percent of businesses are already exploring the space. In fact, only 6 percent of those interviewed think of it as hype, and 94 percent believe IoT will have a significant impact in the next three years.
Here are the most important research findings in a infographic
95% is a huge number of course. However, it’s worth noting that “will be using” could mean on one corporate division or inside one of 100 products. Besides that, the fact that there are still some big obstacles in the way, especially when it comes to privacy and security. You can find the full ARM-sponsored research here.
Recently at our Summit and in talks with clients, we from VINT, also come across a lot of optimism and enthusiasm around the internet of things. Specifically towards reducing waste and gaining efficiencies. It’s all about adding Things to the Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC)-paradigm.
Our new report deals with just that. Connected things offer new opportunities to combat waste in the broadest sense of the term. This waste occurs among all parties: clients, suppliers, governmental bodies, service providers and the manufacturing industry. The report by VINT offers an overview of recent developments and tips to accelerate your THINGS approach. It will be a free download on our blog, next tuesday.