Jul 16, 2014
Menno van Doorn

IBM-AppleApple and IBM announced their alliance yesterday. The two old enemies made an agreement to make 100 business apps and sell iPhones to corporate customers. Engineers of the two companies will work together on serious business apps. IBM’s business DNA can help Apple to make a move into this direction. We know Apple’s CEO Tim Cook has an appetite for business. Earlier this year he expressed his enthusiasm about the enterprise market as follows:

“It’s clear that the enterprise area has huge potential, and we’re doing well from a percentage of companies that are using iPhone and iPad. It’s up to unbelievable numbers. The iPhone is used in 97% of the Fortune 500, and 91% of the Global 500, and iPad is used in 98% of the Fortune 500 and 93% of the Global 500”

more–>The deal, according to Tim Cook, is “reinventing enterprise, taking big data analytics down to the fingertips of people”. At the same time they are in to attack the number one inhibitor, and that’s security, says IBM CEO Virginnia Rometty.

And Google?
An interesting question is what Google will do now that IBM and Apple have become friends. At the moment they are fighting their biggest enemy, Microsoft, on an enterprise level. Will they look for a stronger hardware and software alliances for instance? Do they have a strong enough ecosystem to win the larger enterprise deals on their own? Getting serious about their “Google Connect” program and realize that they really need enterprise partners (and take them serious) is a likely first step.

And Microsoft?
For Microsoft (and me) it means that I can open any word document on my iPad in the future and actually being able to read it. They’ll solve all the issues quickly is my guess. Compatibility on the Apple platform has become more relevant for them.

About the author

Director and Trend Analyst VINT | Netherlands
Menno is Director of the Sogeti Research Institute for the Analysis of New Technology (VINT). He mixes personal life experiences with the findings of the 19 years of research done at the VINT Research Institute. Menno has co-authored many books on the impact of new technology on business and society.


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