Feb 16, 2015
Sogeti Labs
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The possibility of generating data out of external or internal environments to create actionable insights, which we can steer on – is a promise that the Internet of Things brings to us. Nowadays, large industries and small start-ups are driving their businesses toward IoT-related segments to get a piece from the ‘connectivity’ pie.more–>

Yesterday, I visited the website “Internet of Useless Things.” Despite the name, it is a very useful website to visit. The company that launched this website is called: +Rehadstudio. This website, initially, provides a great overview of connected objects, which do not really serve a business point. A good point to remember, in this context, is that not every object with a connection can provide a great breakthrough in the IoT world.

I believe… this is exactly the point that +RehadStudio wants to put forward. If you are working in the IoT segment, please think about the true reason why you should connect objects and processes. There is only one good answer here: Be relevant to your own business strategy and customers; and gain competitive advantage out of the Internet of Things. Connecting the right things is the very first step to reach this ambition.

Designing the Internet of ‘Relevant’ Things

Amid the useless IoT-related products and services, the website states five principles to help us enter the Internet of Things market, and be relevant. These five IoT design principles are:

  1. More learning, less interface
  2. Numbers need a narrative
  3. Devices that can keep a secret
  4. Improvements, not builds
  5. It’s what’s inside that counts (too)

What is your motive to connect something to the internet? Let us know.


About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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