Expert talk: ‘Man, Machines, and the Network’ on the Opportunities in the Internet of Everything Economy

Jun 21, 2013
Sogeti Labs

In this session from Techonomy Lab: Man, Machines, and the Network, held May 16 in Menlo Park, Calif., Jon Bruner of O’Reilly Media, Frank Chen of Andreessen Horowitz, IBM’s Kerrie Holley, Dave Icke of MC10, and Trae Vassallo of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers discuss the scope of the emerging IoE Economy.

“The big interest in large companies and in connected devices as wearable computers this whole concept Internet of Things most large companies are trying to continue to grow they’re trying to have a very unique differentiated customer experience one that enables them to grow, attract more customers so to a large extent what we find is a lot of organizations are trying to engage differently and most companies which we agree with which we are pushing as an agenda we actually believe that looking at these trends as macro trends is interesting but the actual convergence and confluence of those trends is actually more interesting.”

“You would look at mobile, social and analytics and cloud seemed (…) an artificial intelligence when we look at all of those trends collectively we see a much more powerful experience but, at the heart of that are all these points only limited by the imagination of you and I”

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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