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Expert talk: Cisco’s chief technology and strategy officer Padmasree Warrior

Sogeti Labs
May 24, 2013

Cisco’s Head of Technology and Strategy Padmasree Warrior was interviewed about Connecting Everything by McKinsey’s Rik Kirkland. Internet of Things, The Social web of Everything, Smart cities, what does Cisco mean with their Internet of Everything? Warrior is very clear on what he thinks the Internet of Everything is:

“So when we say “the Internet of Everything,” we mean an intelligent way to connect processes with data and things. Not just the Internet of Things, not just connecting the devices onto the network, but how can you use the information that’s being collected to drive better processes, better decision making for businesses, and better lifestyles for users and consumers? And we mean more efficient ways to analyze that data through analytics from the network—which is our expertise—to make every single vertical (manufacturing, retail, transportation) significantly different than what it is today.”
And their making progress:
“We’ll make significant progress in connecting the 99 percent that’s still unconnected. That will be people, that will be devices, and that will be a lot more information on the network.”
Unfortunately, we can not embed the video, follow this link to watch the interview. 

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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