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Jun 13, 2024
Audrey Errard

Data, data science, data handling and statistics are more than ever of prime importance in the field of agriculture, forestry and environmental accounts. In this article we will review examples at national and international level where data plays a key role in  European policies and sets of initiatives such as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)circular economy, and statistics for the European Green Deal.

Sogeti Luxembourg has extensive experience working in the Public Sector. Several projects aim to support national and international institutions in agriculture, forestry and environmental statistics.

For instance, the farm-structure survey is a data collection on the structure of agricultural holdings in the EU. The goal is to assess the agricultural situation across the EU countries, monitor trends and transitions in the structure of European farms, manage, evaluate and design the Common Agricultural Policy.

At national level, Sogeti supports institutes for statistics to enhance data consistency and ensure data quality of, for instance, national forest statistics. Another example is the creation of inventories on greenhouse gas emissions in Luxembourg. The work carried out at national level is consistent and comparable with other Member States to enable the production of statistics at EU-level.

Along with this, Sogeti is involved in the annual data validation of air emission accounts. The aim of these accounts is to record the flows of gaseous and particulate materials from the economy into the atmosphere of every member States. Sogeti also contributes to the development of indicators to allow comparisons over time, provide warning signals, and help in taking decisions.

Integrative approaches have been promoted over the last decade, as illustrated by the development of agri-environmental indicators to track the integration of environmental concerns into the common agricultural policy at EU, national, and regional levels.

Finally, publications on the state of biodiversity and environment in Member States and articles for Europeans Institutions bring value added to the data. Moreover, statistical information can be delivered to a great audience and a wide array of users (grand public, national data providers, academians, decision-makers).   

About the author

Consultant | Luxembourg
. I obtained my Doctorate/PhD in Plant and Environmental Sciences in 2017 and I have been part of Sogeti since early 2018. I have realised that whichever project I join, I give special importance to the sustainability and long-term impact of my work in an overall economic, social and environmental context.

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