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Code an “Uncertain Beauty”

Sogeti Labs
May 18, 2017

When Sogetilabs members met at Sogeti High Tech in Toulouse, two words were in the spotlight in this community of “geeks”: beauty and uncertainty. What relationship do you have with these two concepts and technology? Simply by putting into perspective the necessary permanent question of how we approach the search for solutions and meet needs that our clients express (or not by the way).

The concrete case to be dealt with during these two intense and inspiring days concerned the definition of a solution for the creation of a “Beautiful garden”. Ideation and prototyping best practices have been implemented to take full advantage of today’s available technologies for a very mature client on the subject.

But let us return to the two concepts of beauty and uncertainty.

The exceptional keynote by Allan Moore on the “beauty” and the reasons why the search for beauty should be at the center or at least one of the main elements and constitutive of a realization was the trigger of reflections. The hedonistic or epicurean dimension of this keynote is no doubt but the perspective it opens is quite interesting in the construction of a solution. I “steal” from this keynote some key phrases that are sometimes paradoxical and seem incongruous in a technical field but that does not matter!

“Let us think of something useful as beautiful”; “Think about creating the solution and the recycling aspects”; “Open collaboration allows for scaling up and rapid growth”; “Create in an impossible context” “do it with Love”; “Spend time without wasting time”; “The very definition of beauty is that you cannot take your eyes off it ” because “it creates an emotion and all creations must carry this emotion”.

On the other hand, uncertainty was also present during these two days. Uncertainty during the workshop with the clients I animated, present in the ability to produce a result has its outcome that satisfies the expectation of the customer.

Awareness of this uncertainty is the real stunt that pushes beyond the mere execution of a task but to is fully engaged for the benefit of the client.

In the two days, based on the reflection on beauty and uncertainty, an original idea expressed by all the members, took shape. This idea was then transformed into a prototype by implementing IoT, Chatbot, API platform, social networks and demonstrate what could be a solution for everyone to create a “beautiful garden” in the coming weeks. This “beautiful garden” will create emotion and beauty for the gardener and opportunities for new services for our client.

All the actors of these two days are part of the international network Sogetilabs which once again demonstrates the richness, expertise and creative potential of this community of experts and the pleasure of sharing and collaborating.

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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