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Blockchain: cryptoplatform for a frictionless economy

Sander Duivestein
June 26, 2015

Welcome to the wondrous world of the complex and highly imaginative crypto-economy. The world of blockchain and bitcoin, of miners, sandboxes and hashes. If you are not well-up in this subject yet, you may easily fall under the spell of the fascinating and fast-growing crypto-environments. And even if you have already made a study of the subject, some elements of the crypto-economy may remain mysterious and to some extent intangible. blockchain_dog
This joke aims to alert you to the serious stuff we are going to dish up. Sometimes the effect of the blockchain as well as its possibilities can be a hard nut to crack. Our advice is: read, leaf back and reread, and consult sources that we refer to. Even if it fascinates you and you might consider your own form of innovation, always keep switching between effect and possibilities. As mentioned, both will be dealt with in this report. Just imagine that with every transaction that you effect on the internet a notary should look over your shoulder to make sure that nothing is wrong. That would be a very costly affair indeed. But it is an entirely different matter if it could be computerized. What you have then, basically, is a possibility to do friction-free business, as the transaction is already structured to deal with the monitoring. This may well be the key to lots of new possibili- ties. Such a system exists. It is called blockchain, a strong chain without weak links offering a solution to numerous actual problems within the digital economy. In this report we outline the new possibilities. You can download the complete report (in Dutch) over here. An English version will follow soon.

About the author

Sander Duivestein

Trend Watcher – New Media, Trend Analyst VINT | Netherlands
Sander Duivestein (1971) is a highly acclaimed and top-rated trendwatcher, an influential author, an acclaimed keynote speaker, a digital business entrepreneur, and a strategic advisor on disruptive innovations. His main focus is the impact of new technologies on people, businesses and society.


One thought on “Blockchain: cryptoplatform for a frictionless economy

  1. Goed rapport! Voegt wel degelijk nog wat toe. Maar staan nog behoorlijk wat fouten in, vooral over de techniek.
    “Als 51 procent van de computers in het netwerk de transactie heeft geverifieerd en goed bevonden, wordt de transactie bijgeschreven in het grootboek. ”
    Dat is niet zoals het werkt. Het wordt direct na oplossen bijgeschreven. Endan komt het hele bevestigingsmechanisme in actie. Ik wil het rapport wel reviewen op dit soort dingen.

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