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3 Next steps for Commercial Chatbots

Sogeti Labs
September 02, 2019

According to the American research firm Gartner, in 2020, people will have more conversations with a bot on a daily basis than with their spouse. And in the same year, organisations will use smart machines for 85% for customer support.

Since the design of the first chatbot Eliza in 1966, chatbot technology has evolved a lot. The rise of natural language processing and artificial intelligence translates into a paradigm shift in the interaction between man and machine. The technology of chatbots is still in full development. These are the three biggest trends for chatbots :

1. Chatbots are becoming more human

‘Humanity’ is crucial for the user experience of chatbot technology. Research from PwC shows that 59% of customers feel that the customer experience is too impersonal. To offer customers a better service, many companies are now betting on ‘human’ chatbots. Robots with their own ‘personality’ that also exhibit ’emotions’ increase the customer involvement. For instance, Nikki, the chatbot of the Dutch health insurer DSW, is nice, caring and empathetic. When she has answered a question, she smiles. In this way customers really get the feeling that they are having a dialogue, just like they do with people.

2. From FAQ bot to virtual agent

The most basic form of a chatbot is a FAQ bot that can recognize and answer simple questions. This type of chatbot is often used by companies to provide first-line assistance for customers. Today, however, more and more complex bots are being developed that can also perform operational tasks. A virtual assistant or virtual agent can perform certain actions on command, such as looking up information or booking an order. That way companies can easily reduce the workload of the customer service department. 

3. Robots get a voice

In addition to text-based chatbots, organizations are placing more and more emphasis on voice-based robots. With the major advances in speech recognition technology, it is now possible to create user-friendly voice chatbots. This allows customers to communicate with the bots even more directly. In this way, organizations guarantee smooth, faster customer service. However, good voice-controlled bots are still a distant prospect for commercial organisations. An example of a challenge is the translation of the brand into language. Which personality fits the organization? And how does a brand “speak”? These are completely new questions for digital creators. 

Efficiency and commitment

Is your organization also looking for more efficiency and involvement in your customer service? Together with Sogeti, design a ready-to-use chatbot based on the needs of your customers. Get in touch with me and create a customized chatbot in six weeks!

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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