Feb 23, 2023
Krunal Shah

This whitepaper talks about some of the key criteria one must think while designing Data Warehousing Solutions on any Enterprise Cloud platform.

It is always said and known that it is less complex to upload thousands of GBs of RAW data to AWS or any public cloud considering the wide range of Cloud native services available like Azure Migrate, AWS Server Migration, AWS Storage Gateway etc.

It is rather complicated task to transform such a high data from RAW to transformed data which can be used for Business and Analytics purpose.

To achieve Hugh data transformations on Public Cloud one must build data lakes which does these complex data transformations.

This whitepaper talks more about what are the different parameters one should be considering while handling and transforming data on Cloud.

Download the whitepaper here.

About the author

Cloud Modernization Architect | India
I’m a Certified Amazon Web Services (AWS) Solutions Architect with expertise in Cloud Migrations with more than 12 years of Experience in end-to-end cloud solutions. I’ve designed and implemented systems across all spheres covering from Planning and Solutioning of to-be applications to be migrated to cloud.


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