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Feb 21, 2022
Sogeti Labs

Migrating large data to the cloud often is a challenge due to various factors. This process may become cumbersome as larger data migrations can include terabytes of information to be moved leading to network bandwidth limits or other constraints. The planning must be effective during large transformation projects to bring up your applications on time in the given window. This also must go along with the fact that the transformation does not disrupt the normal business operations and the end-user experience. This whitepaper is designed to emphasize some of the common challenges in moving large enterprise data sets and how to take a pragmatic approach while moving data from on-premise to the cloud. While having knowledge of cloud tools is essential it is also required to have some native tooling knowledge to move data between source and target platforms. The variety of storage options Cloud offers at an economical rate is infinite and comes with the assurance of security and persistence with availability.

In this whitepaper, we present some best practices that can be applied to various Data Migration scenarios to avoid some common pitfalls.

Download the whitepaper here.

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