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Jun 25, 2015

One thought on “When is the DoD “Done”?

  1. Hi Ben,
    Awesome insight! The DoD SHOULD be questioned regularly and updated as soon as we find that they are just a bunch of words.
    A good DoD that instills value and quality in the product is usually formed by the product actually going into production now and then. Often organisation wait until they “feel” that the product will be valuable to THEM. I have found that a product will quickly create value to the users and it comes with an added benefit when a product goes into production sooner than later. We may test until our product is black and blue, but the real test of quality comes when the product is actually used. The findings in use should also be corrected by the development team and thus they will see the quality they deliver in reality. If they are honest to themselves they use this revelation to changes their perception of Done and with that the DoD

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