Sogeti has done a series of projects on how to analyze openly available satellite imagery from ESA, resulting in a preprocessing method and comparison allowing Swedish forestry owners to detect and mitigate attacks from spruce bark beetles. All this work has enabled Sogeti to deliver remote sensing capabilities like this in other countries, partner up with Husqvarna to develop a full fledged platform and SaaS service as well as new analytics; including a AI/ML based bark beetle model that automatically can find outbreaks. This work, its global reach and impact, today and future, will be my topic.

Marcus Norrgren
I live in the south of Sweden with my wife, two kids and dog. I grew up in Gothenburg, have degrees in psychology and computer science and my main areas of expertise and experience are within product management, ownership and software development projects. I often enjoy reading, visuals, game and technology, graphics and art/culture as well as being near or in, water. Love talking to customers, colleagues and friends!