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Vlog: How to use your Version Control System as a goldmine

Sogeti Labs
December 16, 2021

Although we live in a data-driven world, most people only use their Version Control System to store and fetch code. This is a shame – after all, a typical VCS contains so much more: who changed which files, for what reasons, when? In this session, Jeroen Egelmeers explores these options with you.

Jeroen Egelmeers

Jeroen is a Full Stack Developer at Sogeti. Via Sogeti, Jeroen has worked for the research department at Philips, where he learned about the possibilities that data in a VCS can offer. This got him hooked on the topic, and since then he has acquired a lot of knowledge about it.

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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