Unlocking your Big Data Potential

Nov 28, 2013
Sogeti Labs

The potential for big data is everywhere you look. The present use of Big Data already exist of monitoring markets to identify sales opportunities, creating personalized offers, recognizing repeat customers at an early stage (churn), recruiting staff, forecasting sales, for planning and control, predicting wear and maintenance, directing management, decision-making & control, detecting fraud, estimating financial risks, recognizing cyber attacks, improving products and developing innovative products.

Big Data is about what you do not know

Big Data Potential

Capitalizing on Big Data potential goes hand-in-hand with investment aimed at getting hold of unstructured and external data. That is the challenge, that is the Big Data potential that is consistently mentioned: accessing unstructured and external data to develop new insights. It represents a whole new generation of approaches, tools, insights, and different ways of working (faster, better and much more efficient). This is one of the reasons why the concept of “digital transformation” is mentioned so frequently in relation to Big Data. Insights from the new dataflows can cause a great deal of upset. Patterns become manifest and Data Discovery becomes a core component of the next generation of Business Intelligence.

Big Data is ‘magic moments’ and practical improvements

Big Data offers two huge opportunities: optimizing everyday processes that already exist (performance) and creating new business opportunities (transformance).The companies that already have more experience with crunching unstructured data, are primarily seeking improvement in performance: transporting data through a line from A to B more quickly, better visualization, integrating even more external and internal data, etc. These companies will also be more willing to look to cloud solutions. Organizations that are largely engaged in exploration begin by creating magic moments: a creative start-up stage in which ROI thinking is taboo for the present and long-protected customs are abandoned in order to arrive at genuinely transformative ideas.

Big Data Potential 2

Our book No More Secrets lets you walk firmly with both feet on the ground in the reality of Big Data Analytics, and will inspire you to create your own “magic moments” in search of better insights and business decisions using Big Data.

Download the book by clicking the cover 



About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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