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The True Value of Testing

Sogeti Labs
February 21, 2018

One of the things I like the most about Agile is its focus on Value. Someone recently sent me a link to a Google blog on End-to-End testing that stated: “A failing test does not directly benefit the user”. Value is only created when the bug is fixed!

All too often test strategies identify several test types (often depicted as a Test Pyramid) and focus on identifying the system/software components that pose the highest risk and tune the test approach and activities to that end and that’s it. Done! We know how to most effectively find bugs! From then, it’s up to the developers to fix it.

This is a misconception! Just finding bugs does not add any value to the end user. So, should we then leave it out altogether? No, I don’t think so, but we should be more aware of where, when and how testing does provide value.
Testing is instrumental in deploying bug-free (bug-poor 😉 solutions. Finding the bugs is merely the first step. Root-cause analysis and bug-fixing are the next steps and without it, just identifying the bug is of little or no value. Fixing the bug can only be done properly when its root-cause is known and that’s where many test strategies fail: they do not take ‘making root-cause analysis easy’ into account. Or better still, set up the test strategy in such a way that root-cause analysis becomes superfluous: a failing test reveals not only a bug, it also inherently reveals the underlying cause!

So let’s take a look at the root-cause analysis. Is it always so difficult? Or is there a pattern to the easiness of root cause analysis? How about this: there are tests that don’t need any additional root-cause analysis. Most (automated) unit tests are so specific that when they fail the cause is clear. And there are tests that are notoriously difficult when it comes to root cause analysis: End-to-End tests. These tests are on opposite sides of the Test Pyramid.

The Test Pyramid as depicted above is a generalization, in practice, we have much more layers of Integration, like the Test Pyramid directly to the right. If a test strategy takes the Integration Strategy of the development lifecycle into account and tests are tuned to the Integration layers, then bugs relate to specific Integration aspects and the bug’s root cause must be related to the Integration of the already tested, underlying parts.
So let’s fully align our test strategy with the development lifecycle and eliminate the need for root cause analysis: that’s when testing really brings value to the table!

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


    2 thoughts on “The True Value of Testing

    1. When “Finding the bugs is merely the first step”, then it is valuable! I understand and agree that testing may be more efficient and effective, but that’s not the same as it having no value now! It is still an important step in the development cycle. Setting up requirements is equally lacking in value if it is not followed by the rest of the development steps, and so too there is no value in developing something that is not required (both of which happen often enough). It is true that testing is slightly different from the other steps in that primarily it provides feedback instead of direct progress, but I cannot imagine reaching any goal (value) without checking where I am in relation to it. The idea, therefore, that testing does not provide any value, must rely on some definition of value that does not have much value itself.

    2. Hi Sjoerd, the definition of value I’m using is very focused at the customer. So indeed, requirements that, in the end, do not result in working software have no value.
      And through this same line of thinking, neither does uncovering defects. I quite agree with you that it is very useful for the software development process to explore requirements, review artefacts and find bugs. But, as you rightfully mentioned, that is focused at another type of value, not customer value.

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