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Top 5 SogetiLabs blogs from November 2020

Sogeti Labs
December 04, 2020

Take a look at our most read and shared blog posts from November 2020.

Juggling test environments

A couple of weeks ago at Sogeti Netherlands we organized the QX day: an event around quality. My contribution to this event was on something that crossed my path many times before and will probably remain there for a long time to come: managing test environments. If you can’t wait until the end I’ll just give you the conclusion:

Any effort you put in maintaining a test environment is wasted effort.

Everything is Code. Why and how you should test your Terraform

I’ve written in a previous blog that for writing maintainable code, you really should automate your tests. Currently we see Terraform really taking off as the standard to provision and deploy almost everything in cloud like Azure and AWS. In this short blogpost I will show how you can start testing your Terraform code using the Open Policy Agent.

DevSecOps: The Roadway to Better and More Secure Applications

What is DevSecOps?

What is DevOps?

Before we dive straight into the topic lets revisit the concept of DevOps. The technological world has rapidly developed in the past 10-15 years. In order to satiate the growing hunger of the modern world, the IT industry adopted a practice known as DevOps.

It combined the entire information-technology operations with software development, shortening any systems development cycle and delivering high-quality software on a consistent basis. Its goal was to establish a better relationship and a clear line of communication between two business units.

Nina Schick @ What Matters Now TV – Deepfakes and the coming Infocalypse

It will soon be impossible to tell what is real and what is fake. Advanced AI technology is now able to take over the appearances and voices of people letting them do things they have never done, in places they have never been, saying things they have never said. Deep fakes, trolls, bots, fake news, and conspiracy theories are all signs for the upcoming Infocalypse.

Whitepaper: UiPath – Orchestrator API

UiPath Orchestrator is a well-known component now in the world of Robotic Process Automation. It is the heart of automation management. It gives the power to provision, deploy, trigger, monitor, measure, track, and ensure the security of every robot in organization. You can manage everything from your browser—or your mobile device. The UiPath Orchestrator API is meant to help easily access and manage all resources available in the Orchestrator web interface.

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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