Take a look at our most read and shared blog posts from August 2021.
Design patterns are killing object-oriented programming
Edwin van der Thiel shares his interesting take on why are design patterns are killing object-oriented programming. Read on to learn more.
How to overcome user resistance to new technology
How to overcome user resistance to new technology – Let’s look at some of the main reasons why people resist technological change and some strategies on how to overcome them.
UAT 2.0 – UserLESS Acceptance Testing
UAT 2.0 – UserLESS Acceptance Testing: You read that title correctly – it’s not a typo. What if UAT stood for Userless Acceptance Testing instead?
How to be a good cross-functional team member
In Part 2 of the blog series, we elaborate will on a wide variety of aspects related to training of people in cross-functional teams, we’re going to talk about what these extra required skills and capabilities are. Read on to learn more.
Azure Logic Apps. Split array into n-equal arrays
How to split an array into several equal arrays in Azure Logic Apps with vanilla Logic Apps functionality? Find out in this blog.