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To Live Long and Prosper

Sogeti Labs
July 03, 2013

+1 703 734 1511 ext. 104  Erik.vanOmmeren@sogeti.comIn company terms: how can you survive and be profitable? In the past decades, the evolution of companies has undoubtedly speeded up: organizations can shoot to fame faster (think Twitter, Facebook or GroupOn) but also are generally shorter lived than sixty years ago. The average age of companies in the S&P500 has dropped dramatically in the past 90 years: from 67 to just 15 years. What does that mean? That the largest companies don’t stay large? That successful companies will start to fail after reaching the top? Perhaps it’s easier to live long OR truly prosper, instead of achieving both? In our book ‘The Connected Workforce’, we have examined this topic further: what is happening and what are the characteristics of companies that can make it through a digital transformation. Of course this goes back to your ability to innovate, your readiness to collaborate and your skills to make technology innovation business relevant. This is a balance between technical skills but also organizational embrace of technology: to incorporate the changed technology landscape into your business strategy. CapitainSpockTo speak with Spock, the uber-rational first officer of the star-ship Enterprise from Star Trek, all this innovation is ‘Fascinating’: we are living in an age where science-fiction fantasies are coming true, and where technology still surprises us every day. What will the role of your company be in a world where Star Trek like gadgets are all around us? You can download a free PDF of our book The Connected Workforce here: (or order a hardcopy).  

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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