Jan 29, 2018
Our current research topic is called “Digital Happiness” and we’re exploring new ideas about how companies should interact with their clients and employees. This time we want to share the idea and vision from Menno van Doorn: ‘The Digital Happiness Advantage’. Van Doorn is the director of SogetiLabs’ research institute and leads the research on Digital Happiness. He set the stage for our event In Pursuit of Digital Happiness in Brussels on November 9-10.
Van Doorn takes you on a journey and shows the history of happiness and the different perspectives on happiness with accompanying definitions. Based on positive psychology, happiness economics and positive computing he defines digital happiness. It turns out that Digital Happiness is not only about having positive emotions, but also about experiencing states of flow and having the feeling to live a meaningful live. But how to achieve digital happiness within and through your business? And what roles do the ‘Paradox of Intelligence’ and the ‘Paradox of Trust’ play? Watch Menno van Doorn’s presentation: The Digital Happiness Advantage.
About Menno van Doorn
Menno is Director of the Sogeti Research Institute for the Analysis of New Technology (VINT). He mixes personal life experiences with the findings of the 23 years of research done at the VINT Research Institute. Menno has co-authored many books on the impact of new technology on business and society. This is the list of the books and research project he has worked on: Making IT-Governance Work Open for Business – open-source-inspired innovation Me the Media: Rise of the conversation Society Don’t Be Evil Powershift – energy transition The App Effect Cyber Security Manifesto Big Data “Things” Menno received the Computable Award “Researcher of the Year” for research done in the field of open innovation and business transformation in October 2007. He is member of the Advisory Board of the Telecom & Management School of Business in Paris and member of the Coordinating Commission of the Social Media Research Centre Somere of the University of Twente (Netherlands). Menno is the host of a 1300+ business innovation community called “Social Strategy Talk” with events that are held in Amsterdam. He was born in Gouda (say cheese) and went to Erasmus University to specialize himself in the field of economic psychology. This formed the base of his human-centric view on new technology.
About the In Pursuit of Digital Happiness events
Two recent deep dives with a group of IT Executives gave us more insights in how our current research topic “Digital Happiness” is going to evolve. We’ll share the videos recorded at these meetings that we’ve organized in the coming months. Both in the US (Chicago) and Europe (Brussels) business executives, media experts and academia shared their views on the massive transformative impact of digital technologies. The fundamentals on which the program In Pursuit of Digital Happiness was based are simple: the technological and financial limitations of digital progress have been dealt with. The real question to answer for businesses to be successful in the society that emerges is, “What do we desire?” Happiness, in the broad definition by the school of positive psychology – from fun and the daily pleasure to getting in a state of flow, and the rewarding feeling of living a meaningful life and doing meaningful things – guided the discussions about the social desirability.