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The challenges that will come in 2022

Sogeti Labs
February 16, 2022

The end of the year is approaching, and as always, it is a good time to do a self-evaluation and review the degree of fulfillment of those objectives that we set for ourselves back in January.

In my case, I have met a good part of my annual goals, both professional and personal, although they are the first ones I will talk about. The latter are more for society blogs.

One of the objectives achieved in 2021 has been to grow my blog. This adventure began in April 2020 and in 2021 the number of visits and visitors has multiplied by three. This gives me great joy, since sharing articles on a regular basis forces me to dedicate a good part of my free time, not only to writing but also to completing the technical solutions that you will later work on on the blog or, as in many cases, completing a detailed step-by-step guide that makes it easy for other techies to follow, and that’s very much in line with my purpose: “to help other people achieve dreams.”

Therefore, if your dream is to understand technical aspects, mainly within the Microsoft solutions portfolio , or to advance in the world of innovation, and some of what has been published during these years has been able to help you, great!

Undoubtedly, in 2022, continuing to reach more people will once again be one of my main objectives, although in this case within a more ambitious global communication strategy. A few months ago I was texting with Bruno, among other things, asking him for advice about the necessary tools to build my own podcast channel , since he and Juan are doing great with NTN (No Has a Name). Channel in which this year I had the opportunity to participate as a guest in an episode in which we talked about IoT, ML and Artificial Intelligence. A great experience!

I take this opportunity and leave the link right here , in case someone wants to hear it.

On the other hand, I have been talking with other technology geek friends and it is very likely that I will count on their collaborations, which, initially, looks really good and continuing with news from the disclosure aspect, I hope that 2022 is the year in the one who finished writing my first book . Another thing will be that it is published 
This will undoubtedly be the most difficult goal to achieve, but you have to dream big!

Now that the communication strategy is “defined”, it remains to be seen what content is going to be fed. Well, without a doubt as I have been doing in the past, that is to say with innovation, architectural patterns and solutions. In addition, I am sure that some ethics appears, as well as methodologies and processes, but above all I would like to focus on technologies such as IoT , Digital Twins , AR | VR , NFT and Blockchain. I believe that in the coming years, many of the developments will focus on these technologies and it is good to start to understand them now, to begin to apply these solutions in prototypes and PoCs that help organizations move agilely towards a future that is accelerating the pace and that it can come to pass us over.

This will force me to expand my knowledge in these areas, which I hope will not take time away from me to continue participating in Hackathones, such as the one promoted by Pfizer and TheCUBE a few weeks ago, or in monitoring Startups, or even reading books. . I hope to find the balance and continue to improve a little every day, and with all this and a little more, surely new adventures and challenges come to my hands.

In short, right now I am drawing the roadmap for next year and I am happy to continue dreaming… and you, what is your plan for 2022?

Cover photo thanks to  Lukas at  Pexels.

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.

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