Jun 15, 2023
Emna Ayadi

An Agile Quality Coach encourages team members and stakeholders to embrace quality engineering and make quality tangible for the product, process and people involved at both teams and organizational level.

More and more agile teams are actively embracing the value that an Agile Quality Coach brings. In this webinar, we want to share with you the latest trends related to “Quality Coaching” including available content and books that could help you boost your experience and understand the role in depth. We will share our own practical experiences, the challenges we faced and how we addressed them.


Eveline Moolenaars 
Eveline is an Agile Quality Coach from the Netherlands with 22 years of IT & QA/testing experience, in roles as a tester, quality engineering lead, facilitator and quality coach. She constantly explores creative ways to help teams focus on quality & testing and to simplify the way they ‘own’ the quality of their products.

Marianne Duijst
Marianne works as an Agile Quality Coach at Sogeti and is an active sketchnoter and facilitator. She frequently presents talks and hosts workshops about testing, critical thinking, work culture and visual communication at international testing conferences like EuroSTAR, Agile Testing Days, TestNet, CAST and TestBash.

About the author

Quality Consultant | France
Emna is a passionate Tester. She started her career in IT in 2015 with a focus on Quality Assurance, she got the chance to work on multinational projects combined between Testing and Quality Coaching roles. Currently she works at Sogeti France. Emna is an international speaker and workshop facilitator.


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