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Jul 27, 2022
Julian van Velzen

The vast power of quantum computers has the potential to disrupt industries that heavily rely on computations for operations or product development. However, using quantum computers is not easy. Quantum software is fundamentally different, requires new programming languages and tools, and is limited by errors and noise. That is why companies are starting their quantum journeys early, to make sure they don’t miss the boat. 

In this talk, we will cover what a typical quantum journey looks like, and how companies can prepare themselves for the technologies of the 21st century by focusing on talent development, use case discovery, and ecosystem building. 

About the author

Senior consultant | Netherlands
Julian likes to pioneer. Equipped with a master degree in physics, he put Capgemini’s quantum technology efforts on the map, and now leads the computing futures (bits/qubits/neurons) domain from within the group’s CTIO++ community.


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