How Do Technologies Serve Imagination? Back to the 3rd edition of Defi H Trophy
Jul 2, 2014
On Tuesday May 20th the third edition of “Défi H” concluded with the awards ceremony in the presence of Madame Geneviève Fioraso, Secretary of State for Higher Education and Research, and Serge Haroche, Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics in 2012.
This challenge rewarded the technological values promoted by the French students of IT business schools that were involved in innovations to support integration of disabled people within companies.
In a previous post, I was wondering if the 2014 edition would be in the same trends of 2012 and 2013 and I was quite anxious about the projects.
This edition is beyond my expectations. Why? Essentially for 3 reasons:
Gen Y Engagement:
Gen Y is not so different from any other generation. This online, real TV, gaming generation has grown up in an instantaneous environment. No matter what you say, Gen Y wants you to act and wants to be a part of it. Taking this into account, if you want to motivate the Gen Y young professionals, and want them to be engaged, you have to let them build and lead their own project and stimulate their creativity and their leadership. Effectively, they are certainly not going to donate for a cause, but they are very enthusiastic about volunteering for a cause that they support .The Gen Y young professionals tend to choose their job considering life balance, values, and the career path.The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) values are a real motivation for this enthusiastic generation. A high level of positive energy is deployed during DEFI H: they care about inclusion, they care about innovation in CSR fields, and they will certainly be open-minded and responsible managers.
Six out of seven student teams have built and delivered, in 6 months, smart solutions to address different types of disabilities demonstrating the large scope of potential usages described in the table below.
Defi H contest offers a canvas and an opportunity for innovative ideas but does not bring resources and funding to build the solutions. It is always up to students to identify the “right” solution using and assembling available technologies for their ideas and projects. Doing that they have typically applied the “jugaad innovation” or “frugal innovation” concept and they took into account the economic factor in order to reach a large audience and minimize industrial deployment.
The work done by student teams is awesome. Nevertheless, without a dedicated coach (experts from Sogeti), parts of ideas would have aborted during project development. This point highlightss the need to create an ecosystem including different skills, cultures, and expertise to create the key success factors to innovate.
This point also reinforces the fact that succeeding in trans-generational collaboration will create momentum for a common goal and objective (see
Different way of thinking
Working on digital inclusive projects and technology “door openers” is certainly one way to better understand how information technologies could help people, companies, and finally, society. During the Defi h contest, the rebound effect (i.e the way that one idea can generate some others and can create more values than the initial) is working with maximum impact. For example regarding the Handylight project, the team has identified several other kinds of applications useful for all people (not only disabled) and are ready to use.
I am quite sure that designing solutions for disabled people will enrich the whole solution because the angle is different and includes both disabled and non-disabled people. You may say, “Yes but it is more expensive…” Really? Think about it!
Next steps
- As a special recognition of their performance, two members of the winning team from “Wink and Talk, ECE Paris” have been invited to participate in the third season of the Capgemini Super Techies Show in India. This international reality TV game show gives technology professionals and students an opportunity to craft solutions to real business challenges of global organizations. Contestants on the show have the opportunity to engage with leaders from global organizations, work with Capgemini experts and compete for a cash prize. Team “Wink and Talk, ECE Paris” will travel to India to compete against other global teams.
- The fourth Defi H edition will be launched in September in France to carry on creating value and interest. It is really interesting and exciting to know that for the three previous editions more than 80 students have built 18 projects, 3 start-ups have been created, and more than 5 ideas are in a patent process.
- Defi H is a real catalyst for positive energy that actively contributes to the employment of people with disabilities. This springboard of ideas is an enabler to concretize: a project needs to be useful and usable. The commitment and motivation of young people for the digital inclusion and for innovation, let us think about how crowd-funding solutions could be a good way to be more concrete and stimulate the next competitors in a future edition of the Defi H.
- A new Defi H edition will be launched this year in the Netherlands as well. A new champion league may be starting.
In his post, Michiel Boreel wrote “We will learn to trust these intelligent assistants and award them more and more agency to take over mundane tasks on our behalf, so we can focus on more important things in life.” Disability and digital inclusive areas will certainly be topics we will bring benefits to.
Mélanie Hache co-authored this post with Jacques Mezhrahid.