Nov 13, 2014
Sogeti Labs
Drakerz by Peoleo Entertainment

Virtual Reality aims at improving the user experience on a daily basis. Virtual Reality adapting itself to real time experiences is what you call augmented reality. This technology has had some interest, but hasn’t been  used by everyone. Simply virtualize the environment you see in real time and you’re in! Welcome to the world of augmented reality!more–>

Gaming industries have understood how to use augmented reality. Their attempts at augmented reality games were a great success and continue to rage among geeks: The Drakerz game, for example, relies on augmented reality with its gameplay. The use of playing cards as support for virtual reality enables a paperless playbook, coaching beginners to advanced players. By analogy to what has been offered by virtual technologies (serious gaming, design, preview, etc.), imagine what could be the industrial applications of augmented reality: Transpose the Drakerz game to a paperless implementation which dematerializes the average user manual. Your audience may be apprentices or experienced in their skills, but with augmented reality you can reinforce them with information displayed at the right time, right place. Yes, Stark already did it…

Ingress by Niantic Labs

Another game, same success : Ingress developed by Ingress Niantic Lab allows the overlaying of a reality allowing players to meet and discover new places and points of interest for the capture of new territories. The game comes with the player in the developed and self-sustaining world.Why invest in these technologies? Do not miss the boat! Use information like Ingress to report hostile situations and simulate your transportation and infrastructures means. Mix the Reality & Virtual world for more than a real immersion in your simulation.

Iirmos Project

In the same way that we could test our systems SIL & HIL (Hardware In the Loop, Software In the Loop), we can now do immersion test by using Augmented Reality and create the RIL (Real In the Loop).

You may have to find the right mix between reality and virutal. It’s up to you!

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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