In the world of RPA (Robotic Automation Process), every business demands for rapid automation of their processes. The purpose of this article is to present an idea to achieve rapid automation without thinking much about the development efforts.
How is this possible?
That is almost certain to be your first question.
RPA tools available provide development framework for example in case of UiPath, it provides RE-Framework, drag and drop activities to perform the automation. These frameworks and activities are fully-developed and well-proven.
Repetitive tasks of the requirements are eliminated and the developer can focus on uncommonspecific requirements of the process.
The Framework and activities are just one part of the rapid automation. How about using the requirement itself to help the rapid automation without thinking side by side?
If you can analyze the automation requirements from different clients or business units, you will find out that some parts of all the requirements are always common. I will list out a few here:
1. Reading the specific format files from a shared location
2. Validate the input file against the number of columns and order of the columns
3. Download or upload the files at SharePoint
4. Load the data in orchestrator queue
5. Reading inbox/folders for specific emails
Dropbox is like a common area where I add all my common components. Have your dropbox ready with the common components which are meant to do the specific job with provided input values.
UiPath provides the concepts of creating libraries and templates. So let us utilize the apt concept for creating a reusable component for requirements that are almost common for any automation process.
If my requirement is to read all the .xlsx files from the shared location or to load the data in an orchestrator queue why should I spend my time thinking about the requirement anymore and testing the same again and again?
It’s a plug and play game. I just have to specify the shared location, file format, queue name, etc. and let the components do its job.
Rapid development is not just about the development methodology or automation tool or best practices or coding concepts, but it is also about identifying the common business logic used by 8 out of 10 processes. You don’t need to think more of the specific business logic as it’s already been tested and proven. Time management is a crucial aspect of development and its fun when a part of the development has been taken care of by common components.
Don’t forget to populate your dropbox with new requirements which has the potential of becoming very common and you don’t want to think about their automation again. Spend your time more on the unique crux of the requirement.
Thank you all for reading this article.