Rendezvous with OBASHI

May 10, 2016
Sogeti Labs

Oyez Oyez CIOs!

I call your attention regarding the decadewhat obashi is not we – IT pro – will face out. Our technological skyline is clouded and darkens ahead. Prediction must be foiled by any means necessary. We are running out of time but everything is still possible. OBASHI is the key.

While visiting customers to sharpen IT transformation business cases, I often discover (time after time) non-IT people by-passing IT service to satisfy their own business needs. The global IS maturity (mainly caused by a full consumer penetration rate) and the ease of Cloud procurement generates a scenario where IT service don’t keep the driver seat while non-IT pro will improvise IT strategy. A real threat for IT, a real threat for Business, a real danger for your company.

What is OBASHI? Nothing to deal with Obama bashing, nor something related to Japanese food.

Originally developed in 2001 by Fergus Cloughley and Paul Wallis, OBASHI is a methodology used to help business professionals easily understand the ‘dollar per second’ value of dataflow that supports their business services and processes, in a simple and meaningful way. OBASHI is the basis on which they can make better informed and more accurate strategic, operational, tactical and technical décisions.

OBASHI Business & IT Diagram

Obashi diagram refreshed by kamdenice

Consider OBASHI as a framework that enables a fair, equitable and pertinent climate for both Business and IT worlds for constructive conversations.

Like all new concept, the hype curve related to OBASHI will host early adopters, old-fashion sceptics and the rest of the herd.

I address this article to all my peers and brothers (IT Gen-Xers). Time where IT Pros were dictating IT means and costs in enterprise lands has gone. Be aware of this changing paradigm. I’m not calling for a new revolution. Just advising all of us to read a little bit, at least, on OBASHI.



About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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