Real Fake Newsletter – Issue #129

Sep 22, 2023
Sander Duivestein

The Brain of a Man Who Is Always Thinking About Ancient Rome

“All roads lead to Rome—and apparently so do all male thoughts. Across social media, women have been encouraged to ask the men in their life how often they think about the Roman empire and to record the answer. To their surprise (recounted in videos posted all over TikTok, Instagram, and more), many men purport to think about the Roman empire quite a bit.”


Sony Launches ‘Foster Care’ Program for Its Aging Robot Dogs

“Sony is launching a new sustainability program to ensure that even robot dogs are for life, and not just for Christmas. Five years after releasing the ERS-1000 Aibo — a reboot of its popular line of “autonomous entertainment” robot dogs from the late 90’s — Sony Japan is now launching an “Aibo foster parent program” to help ERS-1000 owners who have cancelled their Aibo Cloud Plan to donate the gadget to a worthy cause.”

So there is an afterlife for robot dogs.

AI Voices Are Taking Over the Internet

“AI systems are getting good at turning text into believable speech in almost any language and almost any voice. […] Ultimately, I don’t think any of the AI voices are going to replace me. But they’re getting better really fast, and they raise both huge possibilities and huge questions. What does it mean that I can create a replica this good and that they’re going to only get better and easier over time? What responsibilities do I have as the person who made it? What responsibilities do other people have?”

Great questions. But nobody has the answers. When will legislation be developed that will provide some guidelines?

Creatives Use Photoshop’s Generative Fill Tool to Expand Movies Vertically

“A creative duo has been changing the aspect ratio for Hollywood movies — wondering what it would be like if they were filmed vertically.”


Mother Nature

Greenwashing or not?

A New Story for Humanity

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