Feb 5, 2019
Can We Trust in Code? It is a pressing question in the current technology debate. For our Sogeti Summit 2018 we gathered some of the most visionary speakers to share their insights around this topic. This time we want to share the idea and vision from Niels Pflaeging – The Taylor Bathtub.
About Niels Pflaeging
Niels Pflaeging is a passionate advocate for a “new breed“ of leadership and profound change in organizations. He is founder and associate of the BetaCodex Network, and president of his own consulting firm based in Wiesbaden, Germany. Since 2006, Niels has been strongly involved in transformational change projects for firms both in Europe and the Americas. Niels has more than 10 years of consulting experience with companies large and small, and teaches part-time at several academic institutions in Europe.
About the ‘In Code We Trust’ events
‘In Code We Trust’ is the second report in our new research theme “Digital Happiness”. Two recent deep dives with a group of IT Executives and visionary speakers gave us more insights in how Trust and Code are going to evolve. We’ll share the videos recorded at these meetings that we’ve organized in the coming months. Both in the US (Chicago) and Europe (Amsterdam) business executives, media experts and academia shared their views on the massive transformative impact of digital technologies. We are grateful for their input and inspiration which guided us in our report ‘In Code We Trust’ which you can download here.