The next step is adding the Internet of Things to SMAC

Nov 14, 2013

Banner_things1Besides through the M(obile) in S(ocial), M(obile), A(analytics) and C(loud), the digitization of life is now rapidly expanding, largely via our artifacts. Because SMAC does not cover this aspect, we add the T of Things to this cluster. Now that the “nexus” of SMAC is intensifying and personalizing our experiences, the addition of the things around us is a logical next development in this process thanks to miniaturization, sensor development and affordable components.

The result of SMAC + T sounds like “smacked:” an established fact. The inevitable development of digitally connected things is already perceptible in our energy supply, in domotica, in physical infrastructures, in transport, in healthcare, in the retail trade and in our urban living environment.

Via these domains, SMACT is extending its influence to economic sectors and the manufacturing industry, where it dovetails seamlessly with the embedded systems present there. The three communication denominators of digital things are: human- to-machine (h2m), machine-to-machine (m2m) and machine-to-human (m2h). All three often occur in more complex and less complex application chains. h2m, m2m and m2h simply form the core of process automation, autonomous systems and intensive interaction with humans — with the basic aim of restricting the necessity of human intervention, an inexcusable form of waste.

We must not ignore the fact that things, in combination with smac, form a new, potentially disruptive wave of innovation. It is essential to be prepared, to recognize the opportunities provided by event and process chains, and to react to these. Waiting can be risky, because developments are happening increasingly quickly and those who take an early lead will not readily relinquish it. Capitalizing on the first-mover advantage is more important than ever, and relying upon cash cows for too long can be very risky.

More on SMACT and the business opportunities of adding Things in our new report THINGS: Internet of Business Opportunities. Connected things offer new opportunities to combat waste in the broadest sense of the term. This waste occurs among all parties: clients, suppliers, governmental bodies, service providers and the manufacturing industry. The report by VINT offers an overview of recent developments and tips to accelerate your THINGS approach.

Download the report using the button below


About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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