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SogetiLabs meetup Stockholm!

Joleen van der Zwan
July 06, 2022

June 16 and 17, 20 of our SogetiLabs fellows met in Stockholm, Sweden. With great energy, they worked on 3 challenges in sustainability for one of our major clients. Usually, we have these meetups twice a year somewhere in Europe with a selection of the SogetiLabs fellows. We work together with a client on 3 of their challenges in innovation, using a compressed version of our thinkubator approach. This time, a delegation of Trafikverket joined us. Learn more in this video:

About the author

Innovation Consultant | Netherlands
Joleen van der Zwan is an energetic consultant with broad experience in multiple industries and a variety of roles. With her passion for innovation, she provide customers with insights and advice on their strategy related to innovation and new technologies. Joleen is head of organisation for the SogetiLabs meetup events, held twice a year somewhere in Europe.


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