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Makey Makey: Connecting the physical tot the digital

Sogeti Labs
July 15, 2013

7167036798_9e490c776f When we talk about the Internet of Things we often use terms like, connecting objects to each other to sense the internal state of extern environment  The people behind Makey Makey take the phrase: “Internet of Things is about connecting the physical to the digital” very literal. Connecting the physical to the digital for less than $50,-. What kind of conductive materials can be used for the Makey Makey product? The makers of Makey Makey have an answer on that question:

“Most fruits and vegetables work great, Lots of other foods work too. We’ve tried marshmallows, gummy candies, macaroni and cheese, cupcakes, shrimp, and lots of other things. Plants can work too. Try some leaves or flowers, but nothing too dry. Play-Doh, Model Magic and other clays work very well as long as they stay moist. People are conductive! Connect one person to ground, and another to an input, and you can trigger sounds when they high-five. Graphite from a pencil can work. Make thick, dark lines, and be sure to draw on a smooth surface. Foil and other metal objects will work. Try out coins, magnets, nuts and bolts, forks and knives, or pots and pans.”
About the craft materials that can be used:
“When you’re inventing, anything goes! Here are a few things we have enjoyed using: Inflatable beach balls, paper plates, cardboard boxes, various types of soft and rigid foam, lego bricks, plastic storage boxes, stuffed animals and other toys, funny hats and other pieces of clothing, sheets of fabric, string, yarn, elastic, and paper.”
Is that it? No, the Internet of Things is not that easy. What need to be said is that this type of connecting objects only counts for using physical objects for keyboard use.  But it is still a nice idea and start to connect dumb objects to the digital world.

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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