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Latest in technology – series coming!

Joleen van der Zwan
October 21, 2021

At Sogeti, we are passionate about making value from technology. And this passion is what drives our people, who are the beating heart of our company. We are spread over 13 countries and over 100 locations with limited opportunity to meet and exchange in person lately. This means we need to keep connected and updated about the state-of-the-art in tech in different ways.

Sogeti's Got Talent featured Sogeti's own technology talent and our premium partners to bring the latest in technology

On September 17th, 2021, we organised Sogeti’s Got Talent. This was a 24 hour event with 48 speakers and 763 participants in 4 parallel streams. Topics ranged from Hyperautomation to e-Sports, Metahumans and the potential of 5G. We discussed topics related to making value from technology for business in the Talk stream. In Tech, we showed demo’s and deepdived into code. In Try we conducted hands-on Labs. And on the Open Podium anyone was welcomed to discuss their topic of choice.

The event was sponsored by our partners Intel, IBM and Microsoft. They also participated in the content by bringing their own latest in technology to our people. Intel did a hands-on session about AI deployment on Intel based platforms. IBM presented Hybrid Cloud and AI, AI Ops and did a hands-on session on the power of integration with IBM Cloud. Microsoft engaged our people in a PowerApps lab.

To get an impression of the event, watch the aftermovie:

Over the coming weeks, we will publish one session each week. Keep an eye on this blog to see the best and latest our Sogeti people have to show you!

Sogeti's Got Talent was sponsored by Intel, IBM and Microsoft. Together we discussed all the latest in technology!

About the author

Innovation Consultant | Netherlands
Joleen van der Zwan is an energetic consultant with broad experience in multiple industries and a variety of roles. With her passion for innovation, she provide customers with insights and advice on their strategy related to innovation and new technologies. Joleen is head of organisation for the SogetiLabs meetup events, held twice a year somewhere in Europe.


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