Just Delete Your Static Enterprise Architecture

Apr 22, 2015
Static ETA
Image credit: http://duckdown.blogspot.in/

Best practices have motivated us to create static Enterprise Architectures (EA) using a variety of standards. Static n-tier architectures have everything you would expect, including sample source code and templates. As technology evolves, these slowly-evolving architectures get updated via committees. And, EAs are vigorously defended through a highly structured SDLC process.

Technological advancements are forcing rapid changes to EAs. We’ve gone through multiple iterations recently. Just over the past five years, we have switched from MVC to MVVM and now, PAAS looks very promising. The EA approval process can be slow and cumbersome.

An alternate approach is to provide the team with EA ‘guidelines.’  These are less rigid but still provide approved methods for development, including defined language, database, frameworks and tool standards; but, it could allow variances in implementation approaches. Therefore, keep your SDLC approach strong, but not fixed and rigid.

This will bring the following great benefits to an organization:

  • Flexibility to take advantage of new tools and expedite the development process
  • Creativity to encourage and facilitate innovation
  • Increased employee satisfaction and retention

Now is a great time to change the approach to EA. With this new move, we can increase innovation, foster productivity and still keep control of standards.


About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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