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Apr 7, 2021
Sogeti Labs

As CxO, you are facing digital transformation

…but you don’t know where to gather pertinent information for decision making. Done with tiresome endless PowerPoint presentations and conferences, you are under pressure by the Business. Microsoft fixed it: CIE.

The Customer Immersion Experience (CIE) is a powerful 2-hour immersion program that allows attendees to go through different scenarios, different verticals and play all together into real business cases. Then you will be able to sell by yourself on the value that a consolidated Microsoft platform could deliver for the Business. Indeed, end-users explore the technology themselves and facilitators encourage discussion that benefits the organization and their goals, which leads to deep conversations. The aim of the session is to help you envision what they are experiencing during the session can be applied to their daily life. We call those “AHA!” moments.

A typical efficient CIE session relies on 5 points

  1. From 5 to 15 individuals, typically CxOs or line of business decision makers at the organization
  2. Taking place outside customer’s premises. Ideally at Microsoft’s place or a Gold partner’s (like Sogeti)
  3. ready-to-go Microsoft virtual environment
    • Individual account and individual virtual machine for each one
    • With full-features and already online populated environment
    • Scenarios to play on and collaborate using all the recent Microsoft products
  4. Environment and scenarios customized with content for one of 7 different industries
    • Financial Services
    • Commercial
    • Government
    • Healthcare
    • Education
    • Manufacturing
    • Retail
  5. great participation of each attendee by using the tools with no limit nor risks

CIE content is designed around the following real-world business scenarios vs. specific products:

  1. Mobility – Manage personal and work-related information on the go
  2. Collaboration – Streamline communications among employees, customers, and business partners
  3. Sales Productivity – Access data across multiple sources, determine sales priorities, and discover opportunities
  4. Trust – Protect confidential information, remind employees of policies, give permission to specific employees
  5. Insights – Gather personalized insights by turning data into information and turning information into insight

If you are interested by a CIE session, we can set it up for you within 48h after your request. May you need further information, feel free to contact me.

Kamel ABID – Sogeti Luxembourg

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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