It’s a New Microsoft
Feb 17, 2016
For years the .NET Framework used by Microsoft developers has targeted to run on Windows and other Microsoft products. There has been 3rd party projects such as Mono and Xamarin which allow you to run some applications on Linux, Mac, Android, and iOS. There has always been many flavors and subsets of the .NET Framework. Running a subset on another operating system has always felt like a second class citizen. Now in a complete reversal from Microsoft, they have announced that the new version of .NET Framework which is called .NET Core 1.0 will be able to run on other operating systems. Microsoft has also released Visual Code which is a software development environment that can run on Windows, Mac, or Linux. That means a software developer could create .NET web application on a Mac and then run it in Linux. A developer could create a .NET application on Linux and then run it in Azure.
This is simply great news for the development community. The .NET Framework, Visual C# language, and Visual Studio are known for increasing developer productivity. I can’t imagine the kind of positive impact this is going to have in the developer community. ASP.NET Core 1.0 will most likely replace what will be known as classic ASP.NET.
.NET and its competitor Java have been leap frogging each other in features for as long as I can remember. Java has always had a slight edge because it could run on any platform. Now the last wall has been broken through. .NET Core 1.0, coming soon to a platform near you.