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The IT+OT+IOT “Pervasive Interaction Engineu0026quot; (PIE)

Sogeti Labs
June 03, 2014

We used to talk like “business” was something white collar, and “industry” was puking blue. Not so, and since long of course. Now, time has come that all business processes, marketing effort, manufacturing, and servicing of sorts are mushrooming on the basis of Information Tech [IT] and Operational Technologies [OT].  Towards, and integrating with the so-called Internet of Things [IOT]. For sure this trend will rule, so please let me picture it this way (and DO share the slide): pie A brand new Sogeti VINT Research Report on this so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution is coming up. Meanwhile, these three supporting VINT blogs are here: 3Grab Your Piece of the Pie 2Digital Disneyfication is what M2M and Internet of Things means 1Your Internet of Things Tinkering Kit: 10 Necessary Tools & Tips Closing remark: my musings around RoboThings will be coming up next Thursday: June 5th CET. See you then, since IOT  😉  I Owe Thee. The fourth stage of the Industrial Revolution is upon us due to the far-reaching integration, accelerated by the Internet of Things, of Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT). This creates completely new opportunities as a result of new combinations of mental, physical and mechanical work by integrating the internet, sensors and embedded systems.

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About the author

Sogeti Labs

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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