Jan 24, 2019
Sogeti Labs

In his post, Pascal Brosset presented the future of MOM and the role of IIoT in the new platform architecture pattern.

He particularly stressed on the fact that it is not just a Technology Issue and definitively he is right.

I had and continue to have the opportunity to work on both IT and OT side. I am still wondering why it is so hard to leverage the collaboration between IT and OT.

Four key points to consider:

Finally, as a result, and usually the main issue is to tackle mindset issues. A change management activity is clearly needed to share fears, blockers and drive a new way of working between IT and OT people. This is the only way to achieve the challenges of industry 4.0 transformation.


CIM: Computer Integrated Manufacturing. The first concept pushed to create a model in ’80s of an industrial Enterprise. This model splits the company into different layers from devices to ERP.

IT: Information Technology

OT: Operation Technology

IIoT: Industrial Internet of Things

MOM/MES: Manufacturing Operation Management/ Manufacturing Execution System.

PLC: Programmable Logic Controller

GAFAM: Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft.

SaFe: Scaled Agile Framework.

About the author

SogetiLabs gathers distinguished technology leaders from around the Sogeti world. It is an initiative explaining not how IT works, but what IT means for business.


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