On the 15th of October our book “Real Fake – Playing with Reality in the Age of AI, Deepfakes and the Metaverse” has been released. It is our take on synthetic media, deepfakes, fake news, conspiracy theories, memes, internet culture, Generation Z and Alpha, crypto, narrative economics, virtual humans, CGI influencers, vTubers, NFTs, DAOs, VR, Web3, the Creator Economy and the Metaverse. Real Fake is about how humans continuously manipulate reality and how new digital technology tools enable us to go one step further in this ancient game.
Spotify Podcasters Are Making $18,000 a Month With Nothing But White Noise

“While the top of the podcast charts on Spotify and Apple are still dominated by garrulous, jawboning hosts, these days you can also reliably find a smattering of white noise shows appearing in the mix. Relatively new to the podcast scene, the tranquil programs haves names like Calming White Noise, Best Noise Labs, Relaxing White Noise and Deep Sleep Sounds.”
How Harmful Is Social Media?

Has social media destroyed our democracy? Two sociologists, Jonathan Haidt and Chris Bail, tried to find out by answering several questions, like “Does social media make people more angry or affectively polarized?”, “Does social media create echo chambers?” or “Does social media amplify posts that are more emotional, inflammatory, or false?”. The answers to these questions aren’t conclusive, it’s too early to tell.
Read their open-sourced research.
The Secret Language Of DALLE-2
A viral Twitter thread claims that DALL-E, the popular text-to-image generation system created by OpenAI, is creating its own language of gibberish words and matching them to classes of images like birds and insects. True or not?
ABBA And The Rise Of The Work-From-Home Rock Star
“Concertgoers got used to digital performances during the lockdowns of 2020-21, when in-person gigs were not possible. Since the relaxation of covid rules, people have returned to shows in person. But even as live music roars back, some digital innovations are here to stay. Selling tickets to online video-streams of live gigs has become standard. Online gaming platforms are experimenting with hybrid music-gaming experiences. Musicians are realising that, pandemic or not, there is money to be made in performing gigs without being physically in front of the audience. ABBA’s extraordinary new show, Voyage, goes even further. It demonstrates the potential for a new category of event that is at once in-person and virtual.”
On YouTube you can now find lots of content of the ABBA Voyage show. It’s quite amazing to see the audience react to the so called Abbatars. I guess people fall for it. Fake is the new real.
MUST WATCH: How the ABBA Voyage Concert Changes Live Music Forever
MUST WATCH: Hologram Of Queen In Carriage
MUST WATCH: I Turned My He-Man Toy Into A 3D Character
MUST WATCH: How Tech Companies Are Betting On The Metaverse
Real Fake is a weekly newsletter in which SogetiLabs’s Research Institute VINT examines the future where synthetic reality becomes part or our objective reality. We investigate the impact of new technology on people, organisations and our society. If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us at vint@sogeti.com.