On the 15th of October our book “Real Fake – Playing with Reality in the Age of AI, Deepfakes and the Metaverse” has been released. It is our take on internet culture, synthetic media, deepfakes, fake news, conspiracy theories, memes, crypto, narrative economics, virtual humans, CGI influencers, vTubers, NFTs, DAOs, VR, Web 3.0, the Creator Economy and the Metaverse. Real Fake is about how humans continuously manipulate reality and how new digital technology tools enable us to go one step further in this ancient game.
TikTok Is Taking The Book Industry By Storm
“BookTok is a community of users on TikTok who post videos reviewing and recommending books, which has boomed in popularity over the past year. […] BookTok has sent old books back to the top of bestseller lists and helped launch the careers of new authors. Videos with the BookTok hashtag have been viewed a collective 12.6 billion times.”
TikTok May Be The Future Of Education
“Over the last few years, TikTok has become one of the largest learning platforms in the world: It’s available in over 150 markets and is one of the most downloaded apps in 40-plus countries. On the app, which is available in 75 languages, creators make a variety of short-form videos on everything from cooking hacks to dance moves to crafts and math skills. The hashtag #LearnOnTikTok currently has more than seven billion views.”
Real Fake, The Trailer For Our Book
The Metaverse: 101

Very good explanation on all the things that matter in the metaverse from a Generation Z perspective. A must read!
Money In The Metaverse
“In recent months, the metaverse has been described as a kind of online place, combining virtual reality, augmented reality, the Internet, entertainment experiences, gaming, and remote work. The key idea is that, no matter what you’re doing in the metaverse, or where you are, your identities and assets will be multi-platform and transportable: you’ll be the same “you” at work and at leisure.”
New kind of economies will start to pop up in the metaverse where people can earn a (virtual) living. But as Anna Wiener, the author of the article, remarks at the end “I could have everything I wanted, and nothing at all.” Again it raises the question, is the metaverse the future we want?
Metaverses Metaversed The Metaverse

Interesting thread about every ridiculous usage of the metaverse at CES 2022. It does raise the question: will the metaverse lose all meaning before there’s a metaverse to metaverse in?
The NFT Craze Has Stopped Being Funny

“As someone who grew up in the ‘90s and 2000s when the internet did seem like a magical place, I find the idea of deliberately creating scarcity through this idiotic, incredibly wasteful process disgusting on an almost spiritual level. The whole point of the internet — one of the few things that is still genuinely great about it, despite all the Nazis, insanity, and Mark Zuckerberg — is to allow people to send information to each other for almost nothing. Most human knowledge is there on Wikipedia for anyone with an internet connection, for free. Making “art” “scarce” though a bunch of blockchain nonsense is a crime against nature and a sin against humanity.“
I Spent Hundreds of Hours Working in VR. Here’s What I Learned

“A month after getting the headset, I gave away my real-world desk. […] This is the promise of working from VR: a complete stillness but for an active mind. The world does not disturb me, and in return I do not disturb it. […] I finally made it to the cyberpunk future I always dreamed of, jacked in to the Matrix, now rebranded as the Metaverse. But in all my excitement to get there, I hadn’t realized that by choosing to be there, I was choosing to disappear myself from here.”
MUST WATCH: Cryptoland
Haven’t they seen the Fyre documentary on Netflix, about the greatest party that has never happened? You can read more about Cryptoland over here.
Note: this little documentary has been removed from the internet several times now. A copy can be found here.
MUST WATCH: Fortune Favours The Brave
MUST WATCH: The Future Of Transport Is Already Experiencing Congestion

This is funny on so many levels.
Real Fake is a weekly newsletter in which SogetiLabs’s Research Institute VINT examines the future where synthetic reality becomes part or our objective reality. We investigate the impact of new technology on people, organisations and our society. If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us at vint@sogeti.com.
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